Tuesday, February 24, 2009

NYC Meets Guatemala!

I have many friends in NYC (my former home), and two of my very closest friends, Craig and Jerry, came to Guatemala this month to visit. Like most big city dwellers, Craig and Jerry have some pretty high standards... about everything! So I was a little concerned that Guatemala - my new home for two years - might not be "up to snuff" for these two seasoned, world-travelers. I am happy to report that there was no reason for me to worry...

"We have not stopped talking about our trip!" Craig keeps telling me everytime we speak by phone. "What an amazing country! You are so lucky to live there!"

So, at least two of my closest friends have now "got it" and they understand - through their own personal experience - why I happily traded in skyscrapers and cocktail partys for 400-year-old ruins and street festivals. I love it here and now, so do two of my closest friends! Mucho gusto Craig & Jerry!

www.Georges-TravelClub.com (Feb/2009 Trip)