Monday, April 6, 2009

Shake & Bake...

A "Vacation of Firsts" is probably the best way to describe the trip made here recently by John & Chad of North Carolina.

Sure it was their first time in Guatemala, and it was also their first time seeing the world-famous celebrations and processions of Semana Santa (Holy Week)... AND their first time seeing hot, flowing volcanic lava... AND their first time being in an earthquake! YEP, it was a pretty busy week here in Guatemala and John & Chad certainly got a little "Shake & Bake" to go with their cultural Semana Santa experience.

"We are still taking about it (our trip) and how we want to come back as soon as we can..." Chad wrote when he returned to North Carolina. "Again I can not tell you how great the trip was and how much we needed it! You were such a great help, and we felt as if we had known you for years!" (April/2009 Trip)